Friday, June 6, 2008

The Mission--Step Up

Most of my posts have been about running, but I am not just running to be a runner, get in shape, complete a half marathon, get smaller thighs and flatter abs, etc. I'm running and training to raise money for Leukemia and Lymphoma Research.

Leukemia and Lymphoma encompass a broad range of blood cancers. My training for the half is with Team-in-Training (TNT), which has raised over $850 million in the last 20 years for blood cancer research, financial aid for cancer patients, cancer patient support, clinical trials, and many other things. This year, TNT is hoping to hit the $1 billion mark. Think about it. $1 billion. That $1 billion ($1,000,000,000) has and will be raised by individuals who have decided to train for endurance events and donate their efforts and time to seek donations. These are people writing letters to friends, having bake sales, and telling everyone they know about the cause. These people get rejected in their solicitations, but they keep going, as the cause is a worthy one.

I am one of those people. I have to raise $4,000 by October 6 to be able to run the Nike Women's Half-Marathon, which I have been training for for almost 4 weeks. If I don't raise the money, I have two options--quit or pay the remainder myself. If I quit, I will still have gotten good training, raised some money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, and tried. I have already donated $114 towards my own goal. I don't want to work and quit.

I know that solicitations for money are unpleasant, but I'm not asking you to fund my Nordstrom habit or to buy me a gift. I'm asking you to help end blood cancers. The government is not doing as much as it should or could to end them, so individuals have to step up. Any donation helps. You even get a tax deduction for making the donation, because the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is a non-profit organization.

So give up your latte today, skip lunch out, avoid the MAC counter, have one less martini and make a donation. I'll even send you a stamped, self-addressed envelope in case you want to send a check, money order, or cash--just let me know.

Donations in check/money order form should be made payable to: LLS. Give them to me, and I'll send them to the right place (you'll get a receipt mailed to you for tax purposes). Or, go to my fundraising page (second link on the right) and donate using your bank card or credit card (and you'll get an immediate receipt).

If you have questions, shoot me an email: If you want to read more about the cause and program, check out the Team in Training and LLS links to the right. Also, check out my first blog entry about why I am running--more great info on the program.

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