Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tech-Free (Run 77)*

This afternoon, I acquired a new pair of running shoes. I have been alternating between my Saucony ProGrid Omni 6 Ultimates and my Asics Gel Kayano +14s, but the Sauconys are my preferred shoe for longer runs.** Unfortunately (or fortunately), the Sauconys have over 300 miles on them, and as the race is still 7+ weeks away, I needed to start breaking in a new pair. So, I headed to Runner's Soul, right across Wall Street from my office, to get a new pair of the Sauconys.

After a bit of abuse, er, help from Cory (who sold me the Asics after a failed Nike purchase), I left with a new pair of Saucony ProGrid Omni 7 Ultimate (apparently, the 6s have been replaced). I figured I would test them on my run tonight. The shoes felt great, and I had a great 40+ minute run.

However, this was my first run in sometime that was not assisted by my Nike+ pace/distance/etc. monitor, as I forgot the receiver-insert that plugs into my iPod. It was surprisingly nice to run without hearing the time intervals called out, although my Type-A personality was mentally calculating my pace based on song length (the run wasn't completely tech-free) on perceived distance.

*I thought about quoting a line from "Ayo Technology" by 50 Cent feat. Justin Timberlake as the title, but I wasn't sure how many readers would catch it given the relatively poor showing of 50's "Curtis" album.

**I love the Asics for speed-work and shorter runs, but I don't feel as if they give me enough support on long runs.

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