Friday, September 12, 2008

I Am Injured (Sort Of)

I am not actually physically injured--the briefly appearing shin splints of a few weeks ago are gone and there's no knee/hip/IT band issue--but I have a pretty unfortunate and nasty bladder/kidney infection (basically, a UTI gone VERY bad). If you have never had one, you are probably: (1) male or (2) very lucky. I had a couple of mild ones during frosh year of college (which, is sadly 12 years ago now), but had not felt the burning, stinging pain in over a decade.

Well, this one sort of crept up on me. And, I am set to run basically 11+ miles tomorrow. Imagine running 11+ miles while you constantly feel as if you have to urinate, your bladder feels constantly full, there is a burning/stinging sensation in your lower abdomen/urethra, and you cannot drink cranberry juice fast enough.

Now, imagine that same scenario, but replace "running 11+ miles" with "sitting at a desk and typing so you can earn a paycheck and because you have a hearing in Court today which you cannot skip"--got that image? Well, that's me, right now as I type.

My plan is to let my meds kick in and lay low tonight, have an easy and short run tomorrow, and try to log those 11+ miles on Sunday. We'll see how it goes.

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