Thursday, October 2, 2008

Broken, But Not Finished

It's official. I am injured. I have a stress fracture in my left foot. My race is in 17 days. My prescribed treatment: rest, ice, taping, pain killers. My actual treatment until after the race: suck it up, ice, taping, pain killers. I have come too far to quit now, and I am not going to do it.

Certainly my pace won't be as I would like it to be. But, I have worked this hard, raised these funds, and I made a commitment to Team in Training, LLS, and myself that I am not going to break.

I ran my last really long run on Sunday, September 28. I managed to log 12 miles, only 3 of which were really painful. I only have to do 1.1 more miles on race day. Fortunately, I am in my "taper" phase, so I have fewer runs, and I've been doing cross training to reduce stress on my foot.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I am so sorry to hear about your stress fractures. I had stress fractures in my foot while running in college, they can be really painful.

I have missed seeing you at the training runs, but I am happy you will still be going to the event.

Thank you for your donation and for "evening" me out. I'll see you at the airport if not before. Stay healthy and see you soon!