Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Don't Overthink It (Run 66)

This morning I overslept a bit, so I only had time for a 30-minute run, instead of a 50-minute tempo run. So, I shuffled my schedule and just went out for 30-minute run through Browne's Addition. I run there often, but I altered my route just slightly, and went for it. I was a bit stiff from this weekend's long run/hike/vomiting session, as well as yesterday morning's leg-lifting and plyometric workout, so it felt like I was going a bit slow at first.

But, I just ran, and I fell into a pace that I assumed was slow, but felt good. As I approached my apartment at the end of my run--about 32 minutes instead of 30--I felt like I could keep going.* I stopped my Nike+ sensor on my iPod, and to my surprise I had gone further and faster than I thought--my pace was a good 30-40 seconds faster than it felt.

Time on your feet really does help.**

*I could have kept going, but as I am not a "natural beauty" kind-of-girl, I had to get back home to eat, shower, and head to work.

**See my previous post.

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