Monday, July 14, 2008

Friday Night Lights (Out Before Ten)

Running requires sacrifice. At least, that's what all the running ads tell you. Friday nights have been a sacrifice for me as my long runs early on Saturday morning become earlier and longer. I am now running a minimum of 6 miles every Saturday morning with the team, and these runs begin at 6:30 a.m. at locations to which I have to drive. So, in order to be up around 4:30 a.m. on Saturdays to eat something that will give me energy but won't upset my stomach during my long runs, I have to be in bed around 9:30 or so on Friday night.

This means that last Friday (the 11th), I ate a yummy pasta dinner (prepared by me), watched a little "Dog Whisperer,"* and went to bed early. I missed a text from my friend Kevin Blocker about going out--that text was received at 11:00 p.m., when I was fast asleep.** I may as well be watching "Golden Girls" and getting up for the early bird special at Denny's.

Oh yeah, I'm 30. Not 80.

*I love the "Dog Whisperer." I probably (definitely) like dogs more than people and Mr. Milan's way with animals is truly astonishing. I find myself using some of Mr. Milan's phrases, such as the "cchhsshhh" sound he uses as a "correction," as well as "live in the now" and "just a touch." I need a pet.

**I don't mind the texts late night. I never wake up when I receive them late. Plus, I don't want anyone to think that I am just ignoring them for no reason--I always text back the next morning (not at 4:30 a.m.) to thank friends for the invites which I cannot accept.

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