Sunday, July 27, 2008

No One Said This Was Going to Be Easy (End of Week 11)

Week 11 started with a missed run* and ended with vomiting and overheating on an 8-miler. It included hill sprints, stair repeats, sore legs, a blister,** an unexpected generous donation from my favorite tattoo artist, and an inspiring video from Sean "P.Diddy/Puffy/Puff Daddy" Combs about running.***

Thirteen weeks to go until my race. I can run faster, farther, and harder than I could more than 165 miles ago (about the distance I have ran since I started training).****

*I added the time from my missed run to my other runs and made sure to get in the full amount of running time allotted for the week.

**The blister was from walking around in heels all day--peep toes, which I wear less often than closed-toes.

***The Sean Combs video can be found here: Diddy reminds runner to be conscious of the run and for the blessing that it is--being alive and being able to run. Sure, a lot of jokes can be made about Mr. Combs, but the man did train for and run the NYC Marathon a few years back.

****I have missed a few runs here and there, so my overall mileage is a bit below the mileage prescribed. I'm confident that I'll be able to complete the race in 13 weeks.

[Also, this post was originally longer and more thoughtful, but I had a computer/internet issue and lost all my work.]

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