Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Redistribution (Run 49)

Running is highly touted as a means to fitness, weight loss, and cardiovascular health. I don't disagree with any of these assertions, other than perhaps the weight loss portion. I didn't start training to lose weight, but getting rid of the remaining few pesky pounds that migrate around my midsection (my law school pudge, as I call it) would certainly have been welcome. Since I have started training, I have noted that my calves and thighs are stronger (and smaller) and that my law school pudge is less, well, pudgey. However, the scale has not moved (I know, muscle weighs more than fat, blah blah).

I am most concerned--shocked, saddened, unhappy--about the reduction in size of another part of my anatomy. I won't "flat"-out name it, but, let's just say that a certain letter no longer refers to the grades I got when I was in school (hint: I was the Honor Society Prez in high school, so I got straight A's). Sure, it makes running easy--as there's no top heaviness or back ache (or the need to find a really good sports bra), but, it was deflating for me to have the big splurge of my trip to the Nordies Anniversary Sale be small, small support garments that I could actually fill-out. Let's just say they are in a size that I haven't worn since I was 12 (and, I did not have hips when I was 12--or law school pudge).

I told a few of the coaches and mentors for Team in Training (all women) that I was fairly certain by the time we are done, I'll be able to run topless and it won't be offensive (although, people may wonder why that little boy running has hips--and shaved legs and feminine features). I joked with Heather Butner, a fellow Team in Training runner (training for the full marathon and a former high school classmate of mine) that my current situation was the reverse of high school track girls--those who suddenly fill out after freshman year and notice their pace and endurance changing. So, perhaps I am en route to being a twiggy fifteen-year-old. I guess there are worse things.

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